3M™ VHB™ 5908 Ragasztószalag, 1168 mm x 66m
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3M™ VHB™ 5908 Ragasztószalag, 1168 mm x 66m

3M™ VHB™ 5908 Ragasztószalag, 1168 mm x 66m

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3M™ VHB™ Tape 5908 belongs to the thin range of our 3M™ VHB™ Tape 5952 family which offers an exceptional shock drop performance that enables thin bond lines and makes it suitable for a broad variety of applications in Electronics, Signage, Appliances and many more. The 5952 family of 3M™ VHB™ Tapes utilizes modified acrylic adhesive on both sides of a very conformable, adhesive foam core. The combination of strength, conformability and adhesion makes this family one of the most capable and well-rounded 3M™ VHB™ Tapes. It is specifically designed for good adhesion to high, medium and lower surface energy plastics and paints, metals and glass, including most powder coated paints. Applications for this tape include bonding and sealing polycarbonate lens over LCD, signage and windows to post-painted control panels.
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Kiválasztott termék:
3M™ VHB™ 5908 Ragasztószalag, 1168 mm x 66m
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